segunda-feira, abril 21, 2008

Fico contente

Eu, que nunca li um livro na vida, por isto:

The one time I'm properly taken aback by a response, for instance, comes when we're talking books. What does he like to read? (I can only assume that he does.) 'I don't read books. I'm sorry. I can't. I can't read books, other people's books. After the first sentence, the first paragraph, I'm off on my own scenario. It's no longer their book. I'm not reading it any more, I've put it down before turning the first page, I'm writing my own chapters, fitting in my own characters, trying to make it take off my way. So this would happen, then that would happen, of course that character would ... no, it's hopeless, so now I just don't.'

E ele é o Ricky Gervais. E não lê. E vai fazer uma série nova com o Stephen Merchant. É sobre vendedores de seguros nos anos 70 em Reading, mas podia ser sobre trabalhadores das finanças em Massamá nos anos 90 que seria igualmente interessante.

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